Quick and dirty

Still no internet in the house and it’s hard to write blog posts on the phone, so this will be brief. On Wednesday the five cubic meters of compost that I ordered arrived:


Maybe I should have held off on this because I’m feeling paralyzed about where to place the beds. I’ve been watching the sun and shadows throughout each day and there is no ideal spot because of all the trees. I also discovered that the tire on the wheelbarrow is completely rotted. I found another smaller wheel in the barn that might work, but the old wheel is rusted in place. I may try again today to replace it.

Since I couldn’t figure out what to do with the compost, I did some cleaning up outside instead. There was a big roll of wire fencing stuck in a bunch of brush next to the barn that I pulled out (had to use a hacksaw!):


It’s now in the barn. I also moved a big ugly pile of old roof tiles from a highly visible place in the yard into the barn:


Much better!

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