
I’ve been at the farmlet for about three weeks and it’s only now that I’m rested enough to start doing a few small projects. Over the past three days I have been prepping the trim in the upper hall and the stair risers for paint. It was all the same deep red as the downstairs hall, with a little bit of an older blue color a few places.

Here are the risers prepped for painting:

Strangely, the chimney looks green on my screen, but it’s actually a bluish gray. Eventually it (and another one on the other side of the hall) will be painted the same egg white color as the rest of the trim. But first I need to spackle a bunch of rough spots on the surface.

And here’s the main part of the hall:

I’ve been thinking a lot about what to do with that space between the window and the wall bump-out. It’s about 63x170cm, and if the ceiling weren’t so low it would be perfect for a window seat/reading nook, with cushions and storage under. It would have to be pretty low, however, to be a useable spot for sitting. It might work as a cosy bed for a small child, but it doesn’t seem very likely that I will have a need for that any time in the near future. I also kind of like the empty space as it is and I have many other more pressing uses for my money, so for the time being I just want to get the painting done.

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